Well, I seem to have jinxed the weather! The forecast which I’d seen promised good weather for the Bank Holiday but, once again, it was wrong. At least it was dry but that’s about all I can say. Sorry for raising your hopes!
I’m very pleased to announce that Sandy Kerr was runner-up as New Coach of the Year. Congratulations to him and thank you to all those who voted for him. He was presented with his certificate during the day at Leamington last Sunday in between National finals. Needless to say, he’s delighted but the highlight of his day was chatting with and having his photo taken with Ellen Falkner.

I can now announce that the social calendar is starting up slowly with the first quiz beginning on Saturday 16th October. On the first Friday morning umbrella of each month, there will be a bowling twist to the usual format to be announced beforehand. 1st October will be the first one. This is an attempt to break the routine a little and add some bowling variety. We hope you will support it, enjoy it and give your feedback.
Now for the not so nice bit. In the last few newsletters, I have put out requests for volunteers. Thankfully one or two members have responded positively but we are still in desperate need of more help. In order for the club to be accessible at all times during opening hours, the office has to be manned. From 3.30 to 6.00 nothing much goes on other than the rinks being available for practice. This is therefore not an onerous duty – you could, for example, read the paper, do the crossword, get on with your knitting, read your book or whatever else. There are vacancies at this time on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.
There are also vacancies on Monday afternoons 1.30 – 3.30, Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings. You will not be thrown in at the deep end. Full training will be given by Angela plus a mentor may also be available until you feel totally confident. Please help if you can. The more names we get, the fewer times you will have to cover. This a wonderful facility. It is a great club fulfilling many sporting and social needs. Please support it. We are a members’ club. Don’t leave all the work to a very few – the same few all the time!
On a more positive note, lots of people have already re-joined along with some more new members. It’s lovely to see familiar faces at reception, particularly since it means they’re coming back after their outdoor bowling (all looking very tanned, I might add). If you are yet to pick up your membership forms, please come along and retrieve them from the boxes on reception. At the moment, the club is open every morning 9.00 to 1.00.
Just over two weeks to go now until the new season begins. Unfortunately, the weather seems to think it’s winter already!
Take care everybody,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing)