Good morning,
When I began writing these newsletters, it was in an attempt to keep in touch with all of our members during the initial lockdown. I never dreamt that I’d still be doing it leading up to Christmas!
What a year it’s been! And, unfortunately things are not about to get any better! Some of you may have already had one vaccination. I certainly hope so and with no side effects.
I wish you well and hope that it won’t be too long before the rest of us have the opportunity to have the vaccine. It’s the only way out of this miserable existence.
Although, when we returned to the tighter Tier system, we were promised that this would not be our lasting fate and that it would be reviewed every fortnight (hinting that there was a possibility of an improvement in our status) I suspected that tighter restrictions were more probably on the cards. There was much speculation prior to the new announcement of the changes, if any, to the Tier system that we would move up to Tier 3.
Thankfully that has not happened but, unfortunately it makes no difference to our being allowed to bowl. However, socially, we’re not quite as restricted as folks in Tier 3.
Moving on to more positive news – not only are all four louvred windows in place but they each have a very smart roller blind. Many thanks to Shirley Cromie for kindly donating the money and to Graham Whiting and Howard for attaching them. We are definitely ready to go as soon as we are able!
All that remains for me to do now is to wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas and a much, much better 2021!
I truly hope to see you all again in the not too distant future.

Fond memories,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing)
9 replies on “Newsletter Issue 32”
Merry Xmas to you and Howard Linda and thank you for newsletters keeping everyone in touch with what is going on
Mike & Chris
Thank you both for all your efforts in trying to get us back bowling. As you say it’s not likely any time soon.
Jim and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let’s hope it’s not too long into 2021 when we will be back bowling and meeting friends.
Jim & Lin x
Great sentiments,status not what we had hoped for but the New Year with the vaccine gives more optimism. Stay well everyone
Thank you Linda for all your hard work in keeping us informed and for all the other tasks of which we are not aware.
Thanks are also due to all the club members and board members who are working so hard to keep the whole ship afloat. I suspect we might never find out the volume of effort and hard work that has, and is, going on.
Finally, I wish you all a very peaceful and safe Christmas.
Merry xmas Linda thank you for all your efforts
Merry Christmas to both of you , & your team
Thank you for working so hard for us , It will be marvellous when we
Are allowed back .
Enjoy the holidays
Best wishes from sally & paul Havard
Happy Christmas
Thank you for keeping us updated during this awful time…and thank you to everyone who helps/has helped out at Midglos!
Hopefully we’ll get back to some sort of normality soon!
Have as good a Christmas as possible and very best wishes for 2021.?
Many thanks to Howard and Grahamfor all their work on the shutters and to Shirlley for the finance, and especially to Howard for his attempts to get the restrictions lifted for bowls clubs. Merry christmas to eveyone, or as merry as we can be this year, hope to see you all in the not too distant future’