Hello again,
One week down, three to go, provided we’re released then! It’s not quite the same as in the spring is it?!
Things have been happening at the club, though. The fresh air supply is in the process of being fitted. To alter or add to our present system was going to cost somewhere in the region of £20,000.
We made an executive decision that this was a step too far! Instead of having the side doors open and having to put up with leaves blowing in and the doors breaking free of the wedges, thus very annoyingly banging when we’re trying to play, louvred windows are being installed in the crash doors. These can be left closed or opened and angled in order to allow fresh air in but no leaves or rain, hail or snow should the weather be inclement.
From this:

To this:

So far, if you’re in the club at the start end of the rinks, the two doors on the right have been done and materials for the other two have arrived and will be fitted very soon. Huge thanks to Graham Whiting and Howard Watkin-Jones. They look very good and do exactly what we hoped at a mere fraction of the price. Let’s hope it’s not long before you can see for yourselves.
Yesterday afternoon, nine of us attended a first aid course run very ably by Ben Limbrick. We didn’t touch on heart, kidney and lung transplants but we now know what to do in pretty much every other medical emergency! Seriously, we now know what to do in the event of anyone collapsing at the club which is basically asking the right questions, ringing for help and keeping the casualty comfortable and calm until help arrives.
One thing which I must point out is that it is vital that we are made aware of any conditions from which you may suffer. This could have a huge influence on the sort of treatment which the professionals may administer. There are health forms at reception which you can fill in. This is voluntary but it could be vital. Please bear this in mind.
The friendly between Dowty and Midglos has now been confirmed for Sunday 13th December at 2.00 provided we are allowed to reopen after this present lockdown.
I have to inform you that Malvern have cancelled all friendly matches in 2021. We were due to play a return match against Bristol on 29th of this month so, hopefully, that will be rescheduled.
Jill and Frank are still keeping us supplied with nature quizzes. Enjoy.
Quiz No.3:
Each answer is the name of a tree
1. Which tree is smart?
2. Which tree is in our hands?
3. Which tree was used for punishment?
4. Which tree is like yourself?
5. Which tree suggests the seaside?
6. Which tree is good for a cold?
7. Which tree is in a district of London?
8. Which is an animal’s coat?
9. Which tree keeps the doctor away?
10. From which tree did Adam and Eve find the leaves useful?
11. Which tree is a confused ape?
12. Which tree is a pattern of China?
13. “Witch” tree can bruises?
14. Which tree is also a ski resort?
15. Which tree is home to the partridge?
16. Which tree is a container?
17. This tree was sickened by the Netherlands?
18. This tree is the icing on the cake?
19. Which tree has connection to a Scottish Charles?
20. Which tree is a churchman?
In the meantime, look after yourselves, keep busy and try to keep smiling.
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing)
One reply on “Newsletter Issue 27”
Many thanks for all the hard work done by all commitee and club members during and out of lockdown. It is very much appreciated, thank you.