Hello again,
I’m back from a lovely few days in Montpellier (France) with our elder daughter and her two daughters – a lovely girlie break – lots of shops!
First of all, an update on Tony Maisey from the Playhouse Company.
It is with great sadness that we pass on the news that Tony Maisey passed away in the early hours of Thursday 6th February 2025. He slipped away quietly, as he had lived.
Tony had been a stalwart member of the Playhouse Company since the 1970s. He brought his many talents to bear on numerous productions for over fifty years: he had a fine singing voice; he was a talented actor; and he was also a skilled builder, and assisted with the set-builds and stage management – he was always very willing to help out backstage.
Liz and Tony had very recently celebrated 30 very happy years of marriage together and were planning to celebrate their joint birthdays at the end of March. Tony will be very much missed by all of us, and we send our love and condolences to Liz at this very sad time.
Tony never liked a fuss, and at his request, there will be no funeral service. If you would like to donate in memory of Tony, then please make a donation to the Cheltenham Playhouse using the following link …

He was indeed a lovely unassuming man.
Again, there is good news from our youngsters. Our U30s are through to Nottingham to play Spalding in the semi final on 12th April. Should they win, they will go on to play the final later on the same day. Several of us will be in Torquay that week-end so sadly will not be able to support. However, we wish them luck and, whatever the outcome, they’ve done exceptionally well to get this far.
More good news – we had a good win away against Cotswold on Saturday in the friendly.
The next friendly is on Sunday, 9th against GVPBA at home.
And, the Devon ladies are visiting us again on Tuesday, 11th March. There is a sheet to sign if you wish to play against them ( men and ladies).
Today, Wessex A beat Fairford 83 shots to 58 and Wessex B beat Cotswold B 65 shots to 61. That was a close one for our B team but really well done to both teams.
MidGlos A now play either Carrie Dunbar or St. Andrews in the last 16. It’s getting very exciting!
When the final fixtures of the Wednesday Evening Interclub had been played, Olveston came out on top narrowly beating Cheltenham (Suffolk Square). Incidentally, it was Olveston’s first season playing in this competition. MidGlos came third with our only two defeats at the hands of Olveston and Cheltenham.
This competition could not have gone ahead without Steve Bluck’s organisation and our volunteers willing to lock and unlock the club and man the bar. Thanks go to Vince, Adam, Stan and Angela for giving up their time.
The next round of the men’s interclub is this Saturday, 8th March. As usual, bacon or sausage baps will be on sale.
Both black and burgundy trousers or shorts are now registered with EIBA for MidGlos in National Competitions which means that we no longer have to wear white. However, the whole team has to be wearing the same colour i.e. black or burgundy.
Our annual ladies v men match – the Tony Alcock match will be held at 2.00p.m. on Wednesday, 2nd April. Sign up if you wish to play. The sheets are on the store cupboard door by reception.
I’m sure you will all agree that our cleaner does an excellent job. In order to help her, she has asked that the rinkside bins be left at the back of the rinks by the green chairs. This means that she can empty them without interfering with the game (and it is also one less thing to trip over).
Please use the bins rather than leaving rubbish around for other people to pick up. Thank you.
We are looking for sponsorship. If you have links to any companies you think may be interested, please let us know.
Kath has booked a skip for the week-end of 26th and 27th April to remove items we no longer need (i.e. rubbish). We need a work party to get rid of said rubbish. Could you give your name in at the office if you would be able to spare some time? Thank you.
One last thing, ladies – don’t forget the meeting this Tuesday, 4th at 12.45.
On that note, I shall sign off until next week.
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).