
Newsletter Issue 227

Hello again,

First of all – our open day yesterday from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. The first people arrived soon after 10.00 a.m. and the last ones left just after 3.30 p.m. During the course of the day, 30 people (mainly folks who were new to bowling) visited. This compares to 25 and 26 over the previous September Saturday/Sunday event.

Of those attending:

6 came via Facebook advertising,

9 via current new members (5 from Kevin Ireland, 3 from Darren and 1 from Rich Eeles).

The remainder from word of mouth or our notice/ flyer.

8 folks have signed up for coaching with more expected.

One person joined on the day and two will be joining this week. Everyone was very appreciative of the attention they received and were very impressed with the club.

Again, I think it was well worth doing. Huge thanks go to Dave Giles who was responsible for the advertising on Facebook and the local social media sites. Thank you too to everyone who baked cakes – they went down very well. And thank you to all the coaches and volunteers who gave up their time to support the event. 

We are very lucky to now have more coaches than ever including another who qualified on Saturday morning – Ian Major. Congratulations, Ian who has “stuck at it” despite finding the course challenging.

Hopefully, we will recruit more new members as a result of another successful open day. 

TO ALL NEW MEMBERS who have joined midway through the season and have therefore missed out on joining teams. If you intend to play indoors in the summer, NOW is the time to check the boards in the entrance hall.

Team captains advertise there if they are looking for new members for their teams. If you are looking for a team, sign up stating which day. We are always looking for new teams. Why not chat to other new members and form a team? In the summer, apart from Australian Pairs on a Wednesday morning, the format is trips for which you need a team of ideally six so that you don’t have to bowl every week and to cover holidays and illness.

If you’re going to bowl outdoors in the summer, start thinking about teams for the winter. Steve Bluck starts working on the schedules for the winter season mid-July. If you wish to enter a new team, either phone or come into the club in time so that your team can be incorporated. Most afternoons and some evenings have rinks free which could house more teams.

I have been asked to inform you that some of the bar prices will be increasing since the brewery that supplies us has increased its prices. Like everything else, prices are rising.

NEXT QUIZ – This will be held on Saturday, 22nd February. Please make sure that you’re aware of the date – there has been some confusion. If you know of someone who’s signed up but doesn’t get the newsletter, please could you let them know. Thank you.

The coach for people to go up to Tamworth to support the Denny team on 8th February is now confirmed. The price will be £10.00 per person payable on the day. Players who wish to use the coach will have the option to donate. Players must put their names down on the list so that we are aware of the numbers. You can either come in and sign up or phone in to ask someone on reception to do it for you.

PLEASE NOTE that due to the road works, the coach will not be able to negotiate all the parked vehicles on the diversion so park at the club but the coach will pick up and drop off at the Co-op nearby. Unfortunately this inconvenience cannot be avoided.

Our Wessex B team is playing Carterton at 10.00 a.m. on the following day (Sunday, 9th) followed by a friendly against Cotswold IBC at 2.00 p.m. There is a friendly being played as I write this against Welford but I believe things aren’t exactly going our way. Never mind, you can’t win them all!

I think I’ve covered everything so, until next time, take care,


Linda Watkin-Jones.

Director (PR & Marketing).