
Newsletter Issue 137

Hello again,

First of all – ladies, our annual meeting is this Tuesday, 14th March at 12.45 in The Cooper Suite. If you read the notice boards, you will know that this is not short notice but it came as a surprise to some members on Saturday when we were talking about it. We’re all guilty of walking past notice boards but please try to keep an eye on them. I hope as many of you as possible will be able to make it (it was well-supported last year).

The last of the ladies’ Interclub round robin was played on Saturday morning. MidGlos beat Barnwood while Cheltenham beat Caer Glow. This means that next Saturday, 18th March at 10.00a.m. in the final, MidGlos will be playing Barnwood for 1st and 2nd place while Cheltenham and Caer Glow are competing for 3rd and 4th place.

The men are playing at 1.30 p.m. with MidGlos competing against Cheltenham for 1st and 2nd place and Barnwood and Cheltenham Spa fighting it out for 3rd and 4th place.

Good luck to both ladies and men! The more spectators the better!

On Sunday our Wessex A team were playing White Knights at home and away in the first of the knockouts. Unfortunately, we are now out of that competition but we did extremely well to come that far. Maybe we can go even further next year.

On Sunday afternoon MidGlos was playing GVPBA (Gloucestershire Vice Presidents Bowling Association) in a friendly followed by a meal cooked by Jill and Sheila with some more volunteers helping with serving, clearing up and running the bar. Results will be in the next newsletter.

Our club cannot function without these willing folks happy to give up their precious time. We all joined the club to bowl but, in order for our wonderful bowling facility to continue to operate and grow, we need volunteers! The more we have, the less onerous these tasks become.

There are still several empty spaces alongside different responsibilities on the AGM notices. The closing date is this Wednesday, 15th March. Search your consciences, please don’t leave it all to the same few people. There is a limit to what we can do.

Paul who brought along the Potters Roadshow was very pleased with the response to his visit and would like to come back in October. Nearer the time, I’ll announce the date (probably at a week-end so that those who work can take advantage) and the posters will go up again.

In order to avoid having to have byes on a Thursday morning in the summer, we need one more team to enter. Steve Bluck has a surplus of players so could spare one or two. We need a few more. If you are not in a Thursday team and would like to play, please contact Steve at or on 07918 941456. New bowlers are welcome as well as anyone else.

We still need a few more names for the Aussie Pairs on Wednesday mornings. This is good fun and great practice. You are bowling with four woods and you alternate between leading and skipping. Go on, put your name down and give it a go.

The coach to Nottingham on 15th April is now full with a waiting list. A great response from the club to support our Denny Plate finalists. 

Tom Evans is in Nottingham on 23rd March playing in the men’s singles final and Josh Hodges is there on 5th August. Good luck guys.

Fin Williamson was playing in Daventry on Saturday evening and got through to the quarters. On Sunday morning, he was playing at home in the Wessex and then back to Daventry in the afternoon to play in the evening. That’s what I call commitment and two very supportive parents (he’s not old enough to drive yet).

On Saturday 18th March, it is Sheila Kingswell’s quiz. Again, all the places are taken. Our quizzes are proving to be very popular. Long may it continue.

Sadly, I have another death to announce. Roger Thomas has died. He hasn’t bowled at our club for a while due to ill health. He was heavily involved with Barnwood but played at MidGlos in the winter. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time.

On Saturday, a front door key was found. It could have been lost on Friday evening or on Saturday. There were a few matches being played as well as the Friday evening umbrella. The Gloster Knights were there too and were playing a match against a rival team. Please pass on the information that it is being held in an envelope in the office. I hope someone hasn’t been locked out all week-end!

Take care,


Linda Watkin-Jones.

Director (PR & Marketing).