Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 109

Hello again, There is a board meeting being held this Thursday afternoon after the Thursday morning league game when week-end opening is on the agenda. If you still haven’t completed the questionnaire online or filled in a printed copy at the club, please make sure that your opinion is heard. We are looking for genuine […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 108

Hi everyone, Thankfully the rain did indeed come but not enough to spare us a hosepipe ban if you’re with Thames Water as we are! Just four weeks to go now until the winter season begins. Don’t forget to pick up your registration documents from reception to save the expense of postage. Payment is due […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 106

Hello everyone, It’s been another scorcher this week with more to come! The beauty of indoor bowling is that it’s air-conditioned and very pleasant. We’ve even had members coming in just to sit and watch and have a coffee in comfort rather than be at home sweating. The new registration packs are now ready for […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 105

Hello, August already! I can’t believe it! It’s nearly the winter season: more of that later. On 19th July a group of children from a primary school in Abbeymead came with the project leader, Amy, the headteacher and a couple of other adults to experience the game of Bowls. As part of their project on […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 103

Hello again, We’re back from our little break in Pembrokeshire which didn’t quite go to plan since less than an hour after we arrived, we were on our way to A&E in Haverfordwest from where we transferred to Minor Injuries. I have to say that it didn’t look very “minor” to me! Howard had gashed […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 102

Hello everyone, Wimbledon’s over! Thank goodness we’re going away on Tuesday for a well-deserved break in Wales! I’m exhausted after all that tennis! I’ve finally found the ladies’ outfit for us to complement the very dapper men’s uniform! Again it has to be in club colours but that’s not a problem. If you’d still prefer […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 101

Hello everyone, American Independence Day! We’re not American but it was the birthday of one of our former dogs! There nearly wasn’t a newsletter this week – I’ve been SO busy at Wimbledon! I’ve played every match so far. I’m an avid fan. Everything stops for a fortnight apart from my bowling matches. I just […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 100!

Hello everyone, Here we are – our 100th issue and not much to announce! We’ve had a busy few days this week-end since our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughters from Guildford have been visiting but I really thought I should make the effort to write the newsletter since we’ve reached such a milestone! Because they didn’t […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 99

Hello, I’m nearly there – one more newsletter to go to get to the 100! I first started this little project in order to keep folks believing that there would indeed be life after Covid back at the club. I, for one, found the lockdowns and subsequent restrictions very difficult and I believe I was […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 98

Hello everyone, What a busy week-end! Quite a few of us were at the club on both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, the almost final session of the light changing was completed. There is a row of smaller square lights, which I had never noticed, still to be done. However, that will be tackled very […]