Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 130

Hello again, Wow! Did you see the final of World Bowls? What a game! It really was a true final and between two “qualifiers”. It’s good to see some new names and faces coming through. Talking of faces and World Bowls, did you see Margaret and Campbell McColl on Saturday in the crowd? I now […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 129

Hello everyone, There’s lots to announce this week but I’ll start with the sad news which you will already know if you’ve been into the club this week. I now have a photo of Joy Bloor whose death I announced last week. Sadly two more long-standing members have died this week – John Punshon and […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 128

Hello all, Finally, I think I am on the road to recovery after nearly three weeks. On Saturday our men were playing away (with the ladies’ permission!) at a neutral green and beat Bounds Green in the Denny Plate and progress to the National Quarter Finals on Saturday 28 January. Well done to all who […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 127

Happy New Year! Let’s hope it’s a good one for all of us. I hope you all had a great New Year’s Eve. Mine was spent in much the same way as Christmas – suffering from some sort of quite nasty virus (not Covid). At least I stayed awake! On my twenty-first (not that long […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 126

Hello everyone for the last time in 2022! Hope you had a good Christmas. We had a lovely time spent with our younger daughter and family and now we have our older daughter and family with us. We had a great time at Potters. We’ll have to wait until another time to get to the […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 125

Greetings, It’s my birthday (forty and a bit bigger bit than last year) and we’re off to Potters to play in Champion of Champions. We’ve never quite reached the final but we’ll give it another go! What a week we’ve had! We had quite a dollop of snow which is still largely here in Chedworth. […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 124

Hello from a very snowy Chedworth! I know we’re not the only ones to have had the white stuff. However, being so high up, we’ve had more than our fair share and, for the moment, can’t get out of our village. Whichever way we turn out of our drive, there is a hill to negotiate. […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 123

Hello again, Christmas is fast approaching and my diary is crazy (mainly with bowling)! I don’t know how I’ll fit in all the jobs I need to do but somehow I’m sure I’ll squeeze it all in. Don’t forget to sign up if you’re coming to the Christmas Friday evening umbrella on December 16th. Not […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 122

Hello again, Let’s start with the sad news. Sadly, our oldest member of the club, Ken Spink, died last week. He was such a lovely man. I inherited John Tolmie’s team (Jet Set), which became “The Easers” before Covid struck. Ken had been a member of that team for a number of years. Howard and […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 121

Hello again, Well, the BBC were at the club filming and interviewing for about three hours on Thursday. After the editing, we came out with about two minutes, at most, exposure on the 6.00p.m. and (for some) the 10.00pm News. Our chairman is available for autographs provided you make an appointment! I think he did […]