Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 163

Hello everyone, First of all, if you have picked up one of the yellow MidGlos league handbooks, you may have noticed that there are several printing errors within. As a result, a new set will be produced soon. Top Club begins this coming Sunday, 8th October at home against Cotswold but the next dates, although […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 162

Hello again, Just back from a day’s singing at The Three Counties Autumn Show. Very tiring but at least it was dry after all the horrendous weather forecasts in the week leading up to it. I was asked by a member last week for the spare rink availability during the winter season. Here goes: Mondays. […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 161

Hello everyone and welcome to the new season. Let’s just call it that ratherthan “the winter season”. It’s been so lovely over the last few weeks seeing the familiar faces (attached to bodies) coming into the club again. I love it when the rest of the “family” is back. Let’s make it a really good […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 160

Hello everyone, Just one week to go to the winter season! It starts on Monday, 18th September and all of the winter league schedules are now up on the website. The samples of the new club shirt are now at the club with plenty of different ladies’ and men’s sizes for you to try. I […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 159

Hello everyone, Glorious weather at last! June seems a very long way away! Since then, we’ve had everything except sandstorms! It’s here for about a week – make the most of it. As I announced in last week’s newsletter, John Tolmie’s funeral is this Wednesday at 12.30 at Cheltenham Crematorium. The wake afterwards is at […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 157

Hello, Got the car and I love it! Maybe I’ll find out what all the buttons do sometime. First of all, my apologies to Sandra Bailey. I missed her name off the list of names playing in the fours in Leamington. In transferring the information from my phone onto my iPad, I missed Sandra off. […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 155

Hello again, Normal timings resumed – no long week-end away but I did go car hunting – test drive later today! Of the three options for the new club shirt, No. 1 was the outright winner. When and if you come to order, you can opt for short or long sleeves (it is your choice). […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 154

Hello everyone, Somewhat later than usual but we’ve been in Pembrokeshire for a long week-end. We had a lovely time with our younger daughter and family. I won’t bore you with the deflating details but our departure was delayed by an hour or so. However, our wonderful son-in-law saved the day with his quick thinking […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 153

Hello everyone, I was beginning to think that I’d scuppered the summer by mentioning the winter season in the last newsletter. However, the sun has reappeared this morning (Sunday). Let’s hope it stays for a few weeks (I love the warm weather). Talking about the winter season. Bright Sparks on a Tuesday afternoon is looking […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 152

Hello everyone, Well, what AM I going to do now?!! Wimbledon’s finished! I’m exhausted having just played five sets against Djokovic! Thank goodness I got the right result! I was bitterly disappointed yesterday so I needed that win. What a match! Moving on…. we had a lovely break away but now we’re back to business. […]