Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 173

Hello, I can’t believe it’s nearly Christmas again! This year has flown by. Even people of a younger age than the majority of the club are saying the same thing. Our younger members and the future of our club are doing extremely well. Fin was invited to trial for the under 25s England team. He […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 172

Hello again, I’ve just returned from a week-end away in Guildford with my daughter and granddaughters. She is an artist and was exhibiting at a Christmas Fayre at Silent Pool Gin Distillery. Since her husband is away in Valencia this week, I was looking after the girls. The alternative was to take them with her. […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 171

Hello, Well it really has felt like we’ve skipped autumn and gone straight into winter this week-end. Before I go onto the news, can I remind you that your bowling shoes should not be worn outside. It was reported by John Boulton that mud was hoovered off rinks 3&4 during the cleaning of the carpet […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 170

Hello again, I think you all know that I write this on Sunday so, at the moment, I’m thinking of our young under18s who are in Northampton playing in England trials. When I hear how they’ve done, I’ll post it here. For some considerable time, there has been great confusion over National rink fees. The […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 169

Hello everyone, Yet another busy week-end! As predicted, it was a very different story for the Wednesday evening Interclub – Cheltenham Town beat MidGlos. However, on Saturday morning, in the first of the Saturday Interclub matches, Barnwood beat Cheltenham Town and MidGlos beat Cheltenham Spa. In the afternoon, MidGlos was playing GL1 in a friendly […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 168

Hello everyone,Another busy week-end for MidGlos! However, before that, on Wednesday evening it was the second outing for MidGlos, this time against Bishop’s Cleeve when we won again. This Wednesday, we’re against Cheltenham Town when it will probably be a very different story. We’ll do our best, though. Before I go on to this week-end’s […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 167

Hello, hope you all remembered to put your clocks back. I have to start with sharing a little of your chairman’s big day on Saturday. It started off with a short live interview on Radio Gloucester at 9.10a.m. over the ‘phone. We then had a calming cup of tea before setting off to Cirencester for […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 166

Hi folks,I did miss something last week – it was the first of this year’s Interclub on Wednesday, 18th and this coming week will be the second round with MidGlos playing their first game. On Thursday, Paul who runs the mobile Potter’s Shop visited the club and had a very successful day. I wasn’t able […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 165

Hello again, Lots to say this week – just hope I remember everything! First of all, I’d just like to say how pleased we are with the take-up of the club shirts. They seem to be coming in thick and fast. If you’ve ordered one, check the table between reception and the coffee machines for […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 164

Hi everyone, We’re back from a great few days at Potters. Great bowling and lovely company! There were just three teams of us from MidGlos but we join Nottingham which boosts our numbers. Sadly three of our members couldn’t make it due to illness. Fortunately, since they had doctor’s notes, they will get their money […]