Hello again, Really good news – our membership numbers are steadily climbing. Just this week a total of nine new members have signed up (at the time of writing this […]
Newsletter Issue 23
We’re back! Potters Update We had a great time at Potters but not quite Potters as we know it. We’ve been going twice a year for a number of years […]
Newsletter Issue 22
Hello again, The good news is that I’m away next week at Potters (very different from what we’re used to. They have made huge changes in order to comply with […]
Newsletter Issue 21
YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU! Thank you to all those people who’ve kindly come forward with offers of help to man the office. However, we still have vacancies on alternate Thursday […]
Newsletter Issue 20
Good news! We are still permitted to bowl in our Covid secure environment! However, we are now restricted to trips only from today, Thursday. It could have been so much […]
Newsletter Issue 19
This will be the last newsletter before the winter season starts on Monday, 21st. For those of you who are not familiar with the new Covid etiquette for bowling at […]
Newsflash! Since the bar has been closed for several months, some of the stock is now out of date and has to be discarded. However, there are some items whose […]
Newsletter Issue 18
Hello again, As promised, there follows a summary of the main points discussed at the GMC on Friday afternoon. It is important that you read the details on your winter […]
Newsletter Issue 17
Hello again, First of all, a huge “thank you” to those of you who responded to my plea for more volunteers to man the office. A number of people came […]
Newsletter Issue 16
Hello again,Yet more information, I’m sorry! The EIBA have issued new guidance. We now have to wear masks to enter the club and while using our lockers. However, we do […]