Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 57

Hello again (somewhat sooner than usual). The membership renewal packs are now available at reception to be pickedup. Payment for the year ‘21/22 is due from 1st September but feel free to pay beforehand. May I stress that payment must be made before you play your first game of the new season which begins on […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 56

Hello everyone, Just back from a lovely few days in Pembrokeshire. We were expecting really iffy weather but, in fact, it was beautiful apart from one morning when we had Welsh rain! By the end of the first day I looked like the rising sun but fortunately that subsided and I am now just nicely […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 54

Hello everyone and welcome back to a much more normal Midglos! Our aim is for everyone to feel comfortable. Please respect the feelings of those who are still a little nervous. Nobody should feel pressured into doing something with which they are not entirely happy. I think most of you will now know that Roger […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 53

Hooray!!! We eventually heard from the EIBA at the close of business last night. They have been waiting to hear from the Sports Minister at the Sports and Culture government office but, since it has not yet been forthcoming, the EIBA ( aware that clubs have very little time to respond ) have gone ahead […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 52

Hello,One and a bit weeks to go to freedom, maybe!!! Fingers crossed because I, for one, have had enough! The National Gardens last Sunday went very well despite the appalling weather. Thank you so much to the volunteers who helped on the day and to the people ( not only ladies ) who donated the […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 51

Hello everyone, First of all, many thanks to those of you who turned up to help with the clean-up at the club. In all, there were fifteen of us. I hope that you agree when you see it that there is a huge difference. The club outside now looks much more loved. With several pairs […]

Newsletter Issue 50

Hello everyone, 14th June is almost here when we should know if the final restrictions are to be lifted. I suspect not all of them will be! I have already mentioned that, on Sunday, 4th July we are offering our car parks, providing refreshments and making our toilet facilities available for the visitors to the […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 49

Hello everyone, My goodness, it’s almost June. At least the weather is a little more as it should be at this time of year. Since I didn’t write a newsletter last week, I wasn’t able to mention the sad news of Cyril Leach. I didn’t know him when he was a playing member of the […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsflash 8

Good morning, I haven’t lost the plot! I know I wrote the last newsletter only yesterday. However, the EIBA have now issued their guidance about returning to bowling in Step 3 of releasing us from lockdown. Since we’d heard nothing from the EIBA, despite having contacted them, we issued our guidance based on the government’s […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 48

Hello everyone, Really great news! Stage 3 releasing of the lockdown is going ahead on Monday 17th May as we had hoped. This means that we can return to bowling under the rule of six. The summer schedules are now on the website. Both the Friday morning and Friday evening umbrellas start again on 21st […]