Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 67

Hello everybody, If you were in the club this morning, you will have seen me in a different role! My Mrs. Mop role! Mark is off ill so members of the Board are “mucking in” or “out” would be more to the point! If anyone else fancies a turn, you’d be more than welcome – […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 66

Hello everybody, Not a lot to say this week. However, the list is now up for the next quiz on 13th November. Make sure you get your name down to avoid disappointment. If you are just a team of two, there are a number of fours with whom you could join since six is the […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 65

Hello everybody, So thrilled to tell you that our membership numbers have now reached 300+ (not all playing members but the majority are) and there are still new people coming in asking about coaching and membership. This is such welcome news since many clubs have had to close due to the pandemic. If you see […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 64

Hello, We arrived back from Potters on Friday afternoon after a great time! Even the weather was kind to us apart from a couple of showers one day. Thursday was absolutely beautiful – sunny and warm but Howard and I didn’t see much of it since we were bowling in the last sixteen, followed by […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 63

Me again. Hello, Great news – the membership numbers are looking very healthy! Everyone appears to be really happy to be back and operating normally unless you’d rather take the cautious approach which is fine. All we want is for members to feel comfortable. Lists are now up for the men’s Wessex A and B […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 62

Hello everyone, We’ve almost completed a week of the new season! It’s been lovely to see, feel and experience the buzz of a full and happy club again. “Welcome back” to the summer outdoor bowlers and a warm welcome to all our new members (I’m pleased to say that there are quite a few). Not […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 61

Hello, I’m not saying anything about the weather since I may jinx it but … enjoy! First of all; many thanks to those of you who’ve come forward to volunteer. More of the office vacancies have now been filled. However, the catering side of things is still looking very needy. It’s a big ask to […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 60

Hello, Let’s start with the good news, an update on Whist – Rachel Corish has agreed to take over running these evenings which will begin on 1st October at 7.00pm followed by 15th October. In future, these evenings will be held at 7.00pm on the first and third Friday of the month. If Whist is […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 59

Hello, Well, I seem to have jinxed the weather! The forecast which I’d seen promised good weather for the Bank Holiday but, once again, it was wrong. At least it was dry but that’s about all I can say. Sorry for raising your hopes! I’m very pleased to announce that Sandy Kerr was runner-up as […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 58

Hello again, It doesn’t seem long since I last wrote a newsletter but here I am again with yet another Bank Holiday approaching! And again the weather seems to have forgotten that it is a Bank Holiday – maybe it’s compensation for the tough time we’ve had over the last eighteen months! I’ve been pleased […]