
Newsletter Issue 36

Now that the World Bowls has finished, I guess it’s back to the jigsaw! I really enjoyed the bowling (the downside is that it underlines just what we’re missing). There were some excellent matches and, as for Mark Dawes, he couldn’t do a thing wrong in the final. Unfortunately, his local club has now closed. […]


Newsletter Issue 35

Hello everyone, Not a lot to report since we’re following government guidance and staying at home. However, the leaks in the gents’ loos are now fixed. Dave Carter came last Friday but, after he’d finished, there was still an issue which he was able to identify but needed another part. He returned on Monday after […]


Newsletter Issue 34

I’m writing this on the first official day of yet another lockdown (Lockdown 3)! It may be the last but, then again, it may not be. We have a target of 15th February by which time the majority of our club should have been vaccinated and, three weeks later, protected against this horrible virus. I […]


Newsletter Issue 33

What a year! When I began writing the newsletters, the idea was to keep in touch with everyone during the “short” time when we would be closed! Although we were open for a couple of months, I never imagined that this crippling situation would still be affecting us nine months later. There is light at […]


Newsletter Issue 32

Good morning, When I began writing these newsletters, it was in an attempt to keep in touch with all of our members during the initial lockdown. I never dreamt that I’d still be doing it leading up to Christmas! What a year it’s been! And, unfortunately things are not about to get any better! Some […]


Newsletter Issue 31

Good morning, Graham Griffiths Following the death of Graham Griffiths and, due to the restrictions of Covid19, numbers are very much restricted at funerals. If you would like to donate to Leukaemia research in his memory, please make your cheques payable to Leukaemia UK and either post it to the club, drop it in on […]


Newsletter Issue 30

Good morning,  As promised, please find Peter Thompson’s reply from the EIBA. We’re desperately disappointed but determined to continue the fight as you’ll see in Howard’s response. We are most definitely being treated unfairly. Why does the two metre rule no longer apply to indoor bowling when the government’s national rules still state “Hands, Face, […]


Newsletter Issue 29

Good morning and welcome to our first day in Tier 2. We’ve now had confirmation from the EIBA that, unless we are under 18 years of age, disabled or playing singles with a family member, we cannot bowl indoors. Obviously operating under these restrictions is not financially viable so we will have to remain closed. […]


Newsletter Issue 28

Hello again, This is going to be a tough one – trying to put a positive angle on today’s dismal news. We, as expected, have been put into “Tier 2” which means that we are not allowed to bowl indoors unless with a family member (not exactly financially viable)! Although it is to be reviewed […]


Newsletter Issue 27

Hello again, One week down, three to go, provided we’re released then! It’s not quite the same as in the spring is it?! Things have been happening at the club, though. The fresh air supply is in the process of being fitted. To alter or add to our present system was going to cost somewhere […]