Hello everyone, We have a potentially very exciting week ahead of us! The BBC coming to the club all rests on an executive giving his final approval to Gloucester as […]
Author: midglossibc
Newsletter Issue 119
Hello all, Thank goodness! I have no deaths or funerals to announce. Let’s hope it stays that way for a long time. I have been asked to inform everyone that, […]
Newsletter Issue 118
Hello again, I hate being the purveyor of bad news but sadly, I have to report that Bill Notman died in his sleep on Saturday night. He hadn’t been well […]
Newsletter Issue 117
Hello everyone, I’ll start with the uplifting news before the yet more sad news. I was pleased to see that a good number of folks made the effort to wear […]
Newsletter Issue 116
Hello all, Once again there is some sad news. Those of you who’ve been into the club this week will have seen that Shirley Cromie has died after a short […]
Newsletter Issue 115
Hello everyone, Some sad news to begin with, I’m afraid. The oldest member of our club, Hugh Hart died on Thursday, I think. He was 94 but still playing both […]
Newsletter Issue 114
Hello again, By the time you read this, we’ll be well on our way to Potters to compete in a mid-week tournament. So excited. Really looking forward to the break. […]
Newsletter Issue 112
Hello everyone, Wow! Doesn’t our wonderful country do things well! Yesterday, everything was timed, and carried out, to absolute perfection. What a sendoff for a such a loyal and exemplary […]
Newsletter Issue 111
Hello everyone at this sad time, For the majority of us, Queen Elizabeth II was the only Sovereign we’ve ever known. Although we knew her days were numbered, it has […]
Newsletter Issue 110
Hello, As I announced last week, we had a board meeting on Thursday where week-end opening was discussed. Having correlated the information gained from the questionnaire returns, as it stands, […]