Hello again,
What beautiful weather! The only problem is… it means I’ve got to hit the garden – a daunting prospect ‘cos, by the time I’ve got to the end, I’ll have to start again!
The Saturday Men’s Interclub Finals took place yesterday. Unfortunately, I couldn’t be there since one of us had to attend a meeting in our village hall about the future of our pub.
The matches were very closely fought. In the end, Barnwood came out on top beating MidGlos, 39 – 37 – nail biting!
Cheltenham Spa against Suffolk Square ended 38 – 34, another close match.
Well done to all the players throughout the tournament and let’s hope that next year, we can have a ladies’ interclub again.
Thank you to all the organisers and the volunteers without whom it couldn’t have gone ahead. Dai Jones was again our photographer for the day.

Today the Wessex A team was playing Clarrie Dunbar in the last sixteen (in the country). It was always going to be a tough one since the opposition is a very strong team and we were missing some of our key players. Sadly we did lose but we put up a strong fight. The team has done incredibly well to get this far. Super well done! Onwards and upwards for next year!
Fin played this morning and, straight after the game, he was off to Daventry to play a quarter final at 4.30p.m. in the Open Singles Circuit. He played and won three games yesterday to qualify. Tom Evans, Dylan Williamson, Josh and Louie Hodges were playing all their games today. Oh to be young again!
Our monthly quiz is this Saturday, 15th March. If you haven’t already signed up, I would imagine it’s too late. These evenings are very popular and I think people are enjoying having a variety of quizmasters.
On Wednesday, 2nd April, at 2.00p.m. it is the Tony Alcock men v ladies match. If no more men put their names down, we have enough players for five rinks. As it stands, we need two more ladies to put their names down. Should more men enter, then we’ll need more ladies still. We’ll leave the sheets up until the deadline of Friday, 21st March. The sheets will then come down and the teams sorted.
Sadly, our winter season is coming to an end. Some of our members will be going outside in the wind and rain but, for those of us staying indoors, there are leagues on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. On Friday mornings and evenings the umbrellas still run. If you are looking for a team, sign up on the notice board in the foyer. The season begins straight after the winter season ends – i.e. Monday 7th April.
The presentation evening this year on 10th April will be a joint affair. There will be the usual presentations along with a short celebration of 25 years on this site.
Very soon, you will be receiving your AGM packs. Please read all the information contained therein. The AGM is on Wednesday, 16th April. Please do your best to attend.
That’s all for now.
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).