Hello folks,
We’re back after our few days on the Dorset/Somerset border. We hired a converted barn which had been finished to a high standard with the furnishings to match. Having booked several months ago, we had no idea that we’d be so lucky with the weather. We couldn’t have wished for better.
On the Saturday, we went to Shaftesbury where the Hovis advertisement of many years ago (1973!) was filmed and walked up the cobbled hill.
Fortunately it’s not as long as the one in Clovelly in Cornwall but just as quaint. I mentioned the ad. to my hairdresser and she looked at me as if I was talking Swahili. She’s in her mid to late twenties – no wonder she didn’t know what I was talking about!
Molly, our fourteen month-old dog came with us. While we were packing the car to leave on holiday, she jumped into the car to make sure we didn’t forget her. A fair way into the journey, I realised that we’d forgotten her bed. We’d planned to stop on the way for lunch. It was only then that we realised that her lead was still hanging in the utility room. Guess who’s fault that was! It was to be my last job before bundling her into the car!
Fortunately, Howard was wearing a leather belt which sort of fulfilled the job temporarily. We did get some strange looks, mind you. I wasn’t too popular with Howard for a time, either! After lunch, the next job was to find the “Pets at Home” in Yeovil!
We’re not in the habit of forgetting things when we go away but Howard had also forgotten to put in his summer cap. Like many of you men, his hair is not as abundant on top as it once was so he does tend to burn and has suffered sunstroke once. I really didn’t want to go through that again! However, his ingenious solution was much more embarrassing than the belt lead….
Enough of our hols. This Wednesday, 18th sees the first session of the light removal and installation starting at 8.00a.m. – I call that dedication – just as well I’m not involved! We do have enough willing helpers. Thank you to all concerned. I’ll keep you informed of the progress.
This Saturday, 21st is the quiz when Norman and Sheila Hancock will be back as quizmaster and assistant. Welcome back both after both suffering different medical problems. Norman, in particular, has had a rough old time. Thankfully he’s on the mend at last and feeling strong enough to not only host the quiz but to bowl again.
Some of you will already be aware that we’re trying to start an Australian Pairs league on a Wednesday morning during what remains of the summer season. To make it viable, we need an absolute minimum of eighteen players (ideally thirty-two). As I’ve stated, it would be a league not on an adhoc basis. Steve Bluck is happy to work out a schedule if we can raise sufficient interest. Please reply direct to Steve on sdbluck@sky.com if you’re interested – no need to reply if you’re not. I for one would definitely be interested in more summer bowling.
It’s not long now to the garden party on 5th June to celebrate the queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Tickets are on sale at reception and are going well. Please sign up if you’re willing to volunteer on the day and if you can provide cakes/scones/raffle prize.
The same plea goes for the following Sunday, 12th June when we are throwing open our car park and providing cakes, tea and coffee for the National Gardens Scheme.
No more news for now, I think.
Take care.
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing)