Hello everyone,
There weren’t many of us there but yesterday there were some very good finals played. Well done to all involved and thank you to Maurice Freebrey and Andy Price for giving up their time to mark. Charlie May acted as photographer and apologies to the folks who played in the previous finals when photos weren’t taken. The intention was to take everyone in their finery on the presentation evening on 20th April when, don’t forget, there will be a free buffet and the bar will be open.

There are still four finals to be played …
– the men’s 65+ pairs on 7th April
– the ladies’ pairs on 8th April
– another ladies’ singles yet to be arranged due to Covid and
– the mixed pairs on 14th April
Although they won’t be played on a Finals Day, the dress code is still club shirt and whites.
Steve Bluck has asked me to announce that there will be a Friday morning umbrella on 15th April (Good Friday).
I think you know that thirty of us went to Potters earlier this year. These weeks are very popular and fill up very quickly. There are some places left for next year from 27th February to 3rd March inclusive. Talking about inclusive, the holiday is all inclusive with great bowling and superb entertainment. If you are interested, please give your details in at reception and Howard will contact you. We don’t need any money at this stage.
The places are on a first come first served basis and you have to be prepared to make your own way there and back or travel with someone else. We always break the journey at a very nice tearoom about an hour away from Potters. If you or your partner is not a bowler, there is still plenty to do.
Here is another reminder of the AGM on 13th April. If you can physically be there – great. If not, there are ways to register your vote, details of which are in your pack and, if you have any questions for Sheila, our Finance Director, please submit them to arrive by Friday, 8th April – midglos@hotmail.co.uk or hardcopy to Sheila Kingswell c/o MidGlos IBC.
The next quiz is on Saturday 9th April when our quizmaster will be Barrie ably assisted by Anne. Great to have Barrie back – brush up on your music!!!
I’ve been told there are eighty people coming.
Enjoy. See you there.
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing)