Hello everyone,
Another week, another newsletter!
First of all, I’m pleased to learn that the ladies at least read the newsletter since we had a record number attending the Ladies Meeting. Thank you to all who turned up and the apologies received (several due to Covid – thankfully, although in some cases nasty, nowhere near as serious as it was).
This week it’s the turn of the men. Their meeting is to be held at 19.00 on Friday evening. The bar won’t be open but drinks from the chiller cabinets will be available. Why not combine a drink with friends at the same time as taking part in the meeting?
The finals of the ladies’ interclub competition took place on Saturday morning. Cheltenham and MidGlos were playing for first and second place while Barnwood and Cheltenham Spa were competing for third and fourth place.
It was a close-run thing in both matches with MidGlos eventually beating Cheltenham to take first place and Cheltenham Spa just pipping Barnwood. Well done ladies and thank you to all who took part in the competition. Thanks too must go to the spectators and organisers.

Yesterday two rinks at home and two rinks away at Erewash in Nottinghamshire were playing the quarter finals of the Wessex. Unfortunately overall we lost meaning that we are now out. What a shame. We’ve had a good run. Well done to all who’ve taken part.
Straight after the Wessex, the men were playing against the ladies for the Tony Allcock Trophy. This trophy has not been played for for a number of years. However, in the past the men have triumphed more times than the ladies. Yesterday the ladies got off to a good start but, after the tea break after ten ends, the men started to claw back. However, in the end, the ladies managed to hold their lead and walk away with the trophy. Well done ladies! It was a great afternoon enjoyed by everyone, I think.

This week-end on Sunday sees the first of the finals of the internal competitions taking place. Check out the notice board to see what’s on and please support if you can. Good luck to all those involved and thank you to everyone who has taken part along the way.
The remaining finals are on the following Sunday, 3rd April. Again, check out the board and please support where you can.
Beginning on 26th March – the first of the finals – we are calling it “Ukraine week” when we are hoping to collect donations. Since Tuesday morning is when all seven rinks are used, we will be donating the rink fees taken which will be added to the collection.

You will soon be receiving your AGM pack. Please read through and either vote on-line, by post, by proxy or preferably by attending the meeting at 19.00 on 13th April. It’s your club, please make sure that you have your say.
Sadly we’re coming to the end of the winter season which means that many of you will move outside and to your other clubs. We wish you well and look forward to your return in September.
Before you go, there is the presentation evening on 20th April. Do come along whether you’re lucky enough to be receiving a trophy or not. Again it’s an excuse for a drink and chat with friends.
Again, I hope I’ve remembered everything.
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing)
One reply on “Newsletter Issue 87”
The first set of finals are this Saturday, 26th!