A muted “ Hooray “!
We have heard the official response of the EIBA to the road map out of lockdown announced by the Government on Monday.
No earlier than 12th April 2021, indoor bowls clubs will be able to open and have individuals or people from the same household play on the same rink – hardly financially viable for a club with premises the size of ours!
No earlier than 17th May 2021, indoor clubs will be able to open and allow up to six bowlers from different households or members of two households to play on a rink – i.e. as we were before we were forced to close our doors on 5th November last year.
No earlier than 21st June 2021, it is hoped that all limits on social contact are removed and indoor bowls can return to normal.
Therefore, provided nothing untoward happens, we are planning to reopen and begin our Summer schedule on Monday, 17th May.
Our summer bowling sessions take place on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings with an umbrella on Friday mornings. Should you wish to submit a new team or offer your bowling services to any team short of members, could you please contact Steve Bluck at sdbluck@sky.com
At all stages, the Government will make decisions on specific restrictions such as social distancing, face coverings, vaccination certificates, etc. Rest assured, whatever is decreed, we will comply with the rules to ensure we all stay Covid Safe.
Obviously the lucky outdoor bowlers will be released on 29th March. I hope you have an enjoyable, uninterrupted season but, before that, we do have our AGM in which I do hope you will all participate. It is your chance to vote on the running of your club.
As you are all aware the initial papers have been posted in the members’ area on the website and sent out in the post to those who do not have internet access. The next set of AGM papers will be posted on the website and sent out by post to those without access to the internet on or close to 24th March. Again there will be full instructions of what is required of you
and the date by which your return must reach us.
Please, it is vital that you participate in this process in order for us to fulfil the legal requirement of a minimum number of thirty-five submissions.
In the meantime, we have already had a good response to the initial pack of nomination papers. Even though we have had names put forward for some of the vacancies, there is nothing stopping you volunteering for the same post.
The vacancies which still exist are:
In the men’s section – the three positions which have the name of Norman Burns alongside them. Unfortunately, due to ill-health, Norman is no longer able to commit to those positions.
In addition, the men’s captain slot is vacant, as it has been for some years now. A brief job description identifies his duties as recruiting men for county matches, selection for national competitions and GIBA contact. He is also responsible for overseeing selection and generally spotting new talent. It is important that we have new names ready to step up when others feel they no longer wish to or are able to play at that level. As with any position of responsibility, it is important to always be approachable and friendly in order to get the best out of people.
For all the men’s section posts, please contact Max Butler max455@btinternet.com
As regards the club officers, there are still two vacancies – that of Vice President the under 25s officer. Neither of these positions has been filled in recent years so it’s not vital towards the running of the club but it comes under the heading of “nice to have“.
I can report that the accounts are with the auditors at the moment and will be ready in time for inclusion in the next “pack”. In fact we are on track for everything to be ready in time.
On a lighter note, the 200 Club draw took place today. I really was beginning to think that the little machine didn’t ever come up with a combination of my numbers but:
1st prize of £50.00. Max Butler
2nd prize of £20.00. Rachel Corish
3rd prize of £10.00. Linda Watkin-Jones
Snowball. £50.00. Sharon Nelmes
Every little helps.
Let’s hope that the light at the end of the tunnel doesn’t recede with more negative data and we can but hope that dates may be brought forward a little in the light of really positive data. Fingers crossed. At least we can now start dreaming about meeting our family and friends again, going to places called restaurants, pubs, theatres, cinemas and other things I’ve read about in the history books and even think about planning a holiday.
A certain Club Coach who shall remain nameless sent this little graph
to a certain Club Chairman who showed it to me. Hope it makes you
Feeling a little brighter.
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing)
4 replies on “Newsletter Issue 39”
There is a Friday evening umbrella, too.
Great news Lynda, please keep up the good work and hopefully we can put all this behind us sooner rather than later. Stay safe.
Thank you for sending good news re opening the MidGlos Indoor Bowls once again. I have missed the bowls so much. One more announcement if I may. Many of you will have heard that Churchdown Bowling Club has closed. The good news is that several members have formed a new club….calling it Churchdown Village Bowls Club.The committee plan on opening in April.We wish them every success…..it is always sad to hear of a Bowls club closing.
Hello Lynda, l’m using this reply space to ask if at some point l would be able to collect my woods from my locker as l left them at the club at the last lockdown & l’m hoping to play outdoors.