Hello everyone,
In the not too distant future, I predict that we’ll be travelling down to Potters to support at least one of our youngsters at World Bowls. They are going from strength to strength.
This week-end the Williamson brothers were representing England in the U18 British Isles International Series at Falkirk IBC. Fin was playing in the singles and he and Dylan were playing in the pairs. As well as the pairs, Dylan was playing No.2 in the fours. Wonderful stuff!
On Friday evening, it was the taster session of the board game, Keezan which went very well and was a lot of fun. It was well supported and the feedback was that everyone enjoyed it. The next session will be on 14th February. Numbers are limited to 20 at the moment.
A sign up sheet should be up on Monday near the quiz notices. Please sign if you intend to attend. Remember, numbers are limited.
Having mentioned the quiz, the next one is this Saturday, 18th when your quizmaster will be Les Howard.
Before that, on Friday 17th the Mason’s is being played in the morning – one rink at home and one away against Malvern. If you are playing in the umbrella, please give preference to the national game players. Our game is timed so having to wait for players on the next rink/rinks costs us valuable time. This, of course, goes for any nationals being played – they are all timed and they have preference over any non- national game.
The next Wessex game is on this Sunday, 19th January. The A’s are playing Carterton whilst the B’s are against Chipping Norton, both strong teams. Your support will be appreciated. Since both A and B are playing, I guess that bacon and sausage baps will be available to purchase.
If you’re going to Torquay on 11th to 14th April 2025, the balance of £141.00 per person and room requirements are due by 31st January. The balance can be made by cash, cheque, card or paid by bank transfer:
HSBC MidGlos IBC Sort Code: 40-17-10 Account Number: 22521687 |
Please let Kath know when you’ve made the payment and complete the form from the hotel on her desk. She is available every weekday morning.
Australian Pairs
SUMMER 2025 AUSTRALIAN PAIRS Hi All, Firstly, I would like to thank you for taking part in the Winter 2024/25 Australian Pairs competition. I know that, although there may be only one winning team, you all do and did your best during your matches. I appreciate that some of you prefer outdoor bowling in the summer and we would be sad to lose you, but now is the time to consider whether you would like to take part in a Summer 2025 Australian Pairs competition, starting around the 16th April 2025. I anticipate that this would also be on a Wednesday morning provided we can attract enough interested parties! If you would like to put your name down, please talk to me at the club or contact me on 07942 344 209 or geoff.classic@btinternet.com I look forward to hearing from you soon. Geoff Underhill |
Our last Open Week-end proved to be very successful. The next one day one will be on Saturday, 1st February 10.00a.m. to 4.00p.m. We would like volunteers from 10.00a.m. to 1.00p.m. and 1.00p.m. to 4.00p.m. or both if you would like. Please give your names in at reception. Advertising will start this week and a poster will soon be up. Why not invite your friends and neighbours along?!
The 25th Anniversary of our being here on this site is coming up soon. Special 25 year pins will be available to purchase soon and there will be more information about how we celebrate the occasion in the coming weeks. Watch this space!
Until then, take care, stay warm and healthy,
Take care.
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).
BREAKING NEWS! I have just heard that Fin and Dylan won the Pairs Gold medal again and Fin won the Bronze medal in the singles. Massive congratulations to both. Going back to World Bowls – I’ve just watched Greg Harlow and Nicky Brett play in the open pairs. Fin and Dylan could knock spots off them! Linda. |