Hello everyone,
As promised, the arrangements for Bob Read’s funeral – it will be on Wednesday, 18th December at Gloucester Crem at 2.00p.m.
Again, as promised, an update on the fun bowls afternoon last Sunday. It was very well-received after some puzzled faces to begin with. It was such a success that something similar or the same will be organised by Roger Fry again. He has a few variations up his sleeve. Many thanks to Roger and Gill.
Not only is the club open this week on Wednesday evening for rearranged games/ club comps/ national comps/roll ups but it will also be open on Wednesday 18th from 6.00p.m. Please book a rink at reception.
The Mason’s was played on Friday morning against Cotswold A – one rink at home and one away. Both rinks won well and are now through to the next round against Oxford City and County on Friday, 3rd January. Well played everyone.
On Saturday, the Yetton area semi-final was played against Bromsgrove – two rinks at home and two away. We were not as successful. One rink at home and one away won but not sufficiently to carry the other two rinks so we are now out of that competition for this year.
However, at the same time, the men were playing the Denny area semi-final against Solihull – two rinks at home and two away. They pulled off an impressive win and are now through to the area final against Kingsthorpe from Northampton on Saturday, 4th January. This means that they are in the last 16 teams in the country!!! How good is that for the players and the club!!! Super well done guys!
The next big game is the Egham area semi-final on Sunday, 15th December against Solihull at 10.00a.m. – two mixed rinks at home and away. Spectators are welcome and, indeed encouraged. Don’t forget that, when all these big games are on, there will be rinks available to be booked in advance with reception.
The night before, on 14th December is our Christmas quiz hosted by Sheila with help from Anne Hesling. Christmas jumpers, hats, sparkles, twinkly lights, etc. are encouraged. I believe the food will have some specials too.
Finally, we held the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 7th December despite the weather warnings and the advice to stay indoors. Numbers were therefore limited but overall the Fayre raised about £200 for the young man who is suffering from a variety of mental problems. The MidGlos table and cake sales also raised money that will go into our carpet fund – thank you to all members who contributed to the items for sale.
MidGlos table …

I think that’s everything covered. Take care in this dreadful weather if it’s still around. Travelling yesterday to the club to then go on to Bromsgrove was interesting! I had to turn round twice and change my route due to closed roads because of fallen trees.
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).