Have we got something to shout about!!
Our young players, Dylan and Fin Williamson have won gold playing for England in the pairs against Wales in the U18s on Saturday!

In the whole competition, England came second to Scotland overall. England took two golds – Dylan and Fin in the pairs and three other players in the trips. England also achieved a silver in the singles and bronze in the pairs (there were two England entries in each element).
People will soon be talking about MidGlos. Tony Allcock was our claim to fame historically but now we have the Williamson brothers with more of our youngsters knocking on the door of fame.
I have been following the World Bowls Championships on YouTube but it will be on BBC from Monday. I don’t think it will be long before we’ll be watching our players compete with the big names. One or two of our members have done it in the past. We’re all backing you, guys!
In a different field of “fame”, I was walking through Waterstone’s in Cirencester on Thursday when I spotted this.

Many of you have indeed purchased a copy but we are so proud for his first book to be displayed alongside Ronald Dahl, Anna Sewell, Ted Hughes, Kenneth Grahame and other famous names. In fact, we can’t believe it – he’s so chuffed and is now working on the sequel.
I rather hope the weather forecasters have got it wrong but snow is forecast for this coming week from Tuesday or Wednesday. We need volunteers to help with snow clearing should it fall. If you are able and ideally, live close to the club, could you give your name to Kath and agree to being in a WhatsApp group, please? I believe we have all the equipment, we just need able-bodied volunteers.
Today, our friendly is away against Newport. On my return, I’ll update you on the score. The next friendly is at home against Cheltenham Town at 2.00p.m. or as soon as the Wessex games end, on 21st January.
Wessex A is playing Carterton A while the B team is playing Chipping Norton B. Bacon and sausage baps will be on sale as they will be the previous day (20th) since the first of the men’s and ladies’ interclub takes place. The men start at 10.00a.m. while the ladies begin at 1.00p.m. Good luck to all taking part. Spectators are welcome.
That’s it until later today….
We lost by six overall. It was a really close game with MidGlos winning at half time. They obviously drank more caffeine than we did in the break. Folks have been saying that our rinks are sluggish – try Newport!!
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).