Although the newsletter is not out until Monday or Tuesday, I usually write it on Sunday. Today is no exception although I am a little weary since I’ve been singing in the heat in three sessions at The Three Counties Show in Malvern. Very enjoyable but quite tiring.
Sadly I have to report that Betty Marchant died at the end of last week. In her time she’d been an excellent bowler but had, for a long time suffered ill health and was in a home latterly. She was a lovely lady who loved her bowling. Our thoughts are with her family and friends.

Had she been well enough, she would have enjoyed the quiz on Saturday evening. She used to come with her very good friend and neighbour, Rona Partridge.
Despite a glorious evening outside, the quiz was very well supported. The next one will be on Saturday, 15th July. The sign-up sheet will be up this week.
There is also a sheet up for the Cotswold Perfumery Sensory talk on Tuesday, 4th July at 2.00p.m. with complimentary tea/coffee and cake. The talk will last approximately three quarters of an hour and afterwards there will be an opportunity to sample the different perfumes and take refreshments. This is the first time we’ve tried something like this. Please support it if you are able.
One of our former members, Jim Clifford, recently died. His blazer is on offer for £10.00. Please contact reception if you are interested.
Whilst on the subject of uniform, we now have images of both the Wessex shirt and the new club shirt.

Nearer the time of the start of the winter season, we should have some sample sizes for you to view at the club.
The 200 Club Draw was made on Friday evening. Not only was it the usual Friday evening umbrella and Whist night, but a decent number of members turned up too. It’s surprising how the possibility of winning £200.00 brings people out!
The lucky winners were:
1st prize of £50.00 – Linda Watkin-Jones
2nd prize of £20.00 – Sandra Kerr
3rd prize of £10.00 – Fred Croxton
Snowball winner was David Heather who was indeed present so the snowball will start again at £50.00 next month.
We’ve received a thank you letter from Jen Brooker for our support with the bar at their Blues Charity Event for Guide Dogs at Minchinhampton on Saturday 10th June when they raised £830.52. Well done Jen and Chris.
Time for a well-deserved glass of wine (or two!) …..
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).
One reply on “Newsletter Issue 149”
Hi Linda thanks again for your news letter. I look forwards to reading it. Jenny will be going to the Perfume talk later in July. If the club likes we could arrange a talk from a guide dog owner. The talk usually lasts 3/4 of an hour. Speak to you soon. Thanks again for all you and Howard do at the club.
Kind regards Chris Brooker.