Hello again,
I hope you’ve enjoyed a good bank holiday. Some of us were bowling yesterday morning so it didn’t feel like a holiday but at least my team won so it did feel good.
A few weeks ago we had four generations playing. Unfortunately the timing was wrong to include the photo because it fell in the week when I posted all of the competition shots. However, the Wilks family can now take pride of place on their own.

From left to right we have Ron, Vince, Charlie and Harry. I have taken the names from memory (not a good idea) since I didn’t make a written note of them! Apologies if I’ve got it wrong. The younger two haven’t played very many times before but it looks like they’re blessed with the usual Wilks talent! Let’s hope that they join when the time is right for them!
Just another reminder about the National Competition entries for 2023/2024. The last day to put your entry in is 22nd May. Don’t leave it until the last minute. There are entry forms at the club or you can do it independently online by going onto the EIBA site.
An important date for your diary – Saturday, 10th June. We are holding an open day. Please read the advertisement below, come along and bring a friend or friends to have a go and enjoy some homemade cake and a drink as well.
We’d love to see as many folks as possible. There will be people to help anyone new to the game and we can kit them out with woods and shoes. There is no age barrier. We’d love to welcome the young, middle aged and older people. Come along and give it a go. Not only is it gentle physical exercise but it keeps the brain active and it’s a great social activity.
We are also advertising the club and the open day this Thursday when we are acting as a local polling station. We have league bowling going on in the morning but if you wanted a free roll up in the afternoon or evening then please do come along and let the voters see what fun it is.
We had another very enjoyable quiz hosted by Norman and Sheila Hancock on Saturday evening. The next one will be hosted by Steve and Tricia Bluck on 20th May. The list is already up so get your names down.
That’s all for now folks.
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).