Hello everyone,
This has nothing to do with the club or bowling but I’m buzzing. I’ve just come back from a singing workshop led by Mark de-Lisser. Look him up – he’s amazing! Such an inspiration!
He coached The Dementia Choir; he arranged “Stand by Me” for the wedding of the Sussexes and coached the gospel choir; he’s a voice coach for “The Voice” and “The Masked Singer”. I could go on but what a man and so genuinely lovely!

Sorry, I just had to tell you all about him. Now onto club business:
The 200 Club numbers were drawn on Friday evening (not many people attended).
Rona Partridge won the first prize – £50.00
Brian Mayall won the second prize – £20.00
Gill Fry won the third prize – £10.00
The winner of the snowball was not present so it is rolled over to next month when it will be worth £150.00. Maybe more of you will attend? If it’s not claimed again, it will roll over to be worth £200.00! Not to be sniffed at!
Bowlers from VIBE (Visually Impaired Bowls England) were at the club all week-end from Friday evening to Sunday evening. This involved a lot of time and effort from volunteers in the kitchen and bar from prepping to cooking to waiting on and clearing away and washing up. Thank you to everyone who helped out and made the week-end run smoothly.
The next quiz is this coming Saturday, 29th April. Soon after that, the list will go up for the next one on 20th May. Places go quickly so make sure you get your name down to avoid disappointment.
Now that we’re in the summer season, there are rinks available most days for roll ups:
Monday morning – 3 rinks
Monday afternoon – 12.00 to 3.30 – 7 rinks
Tuesday morning – 1 rink
Wednesday morning – 5 rinks
Thursday morning – 3 rinks
The umbrella is on Friday mornings as well as coaching and the evening umbrella runs from 7.00p.m
Please book your rink with the office beforehand.
No more news. Hope the weather is better for you outdoor bowlers than it is as I write this!
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).