I’m sure the Denny Plate team members are still buzzing from Saturday’s Final but more of that later.
For those of you who were not at the AGM, the most important changes to announce are:
- For the first time ever, we are now free from debt. All of the loans have been paid off and we now own both the building and the land on which it stands. I don’t know how many clubs are in this enviable position but I would think there are not many.
- The Articles of Association have been changed in order to reflect this and protect the members from an untrustworthy board spending the club money unwisely (or rushing off to some hot, far off land with it – come to think of it, that sounds very appealing!).
- Increasingly, black tailored trousers or shorts are being accepted at bowling clubs. Therefore, it has been decided that that should be the case at MidGlos too.
- A different club top is being looked into. We hope to come to an agreement on this soon, ready for the winter season. The wearing of the present top is still absolutely fine, of course. What is not acceptable is the wearing of your outdoor club’s top unless you are representing your club in an Interclub competition. We are all members of MidGlos Indoor Bowling Club and it is only right that this should be respected. Of course, a predominantly white bowling shirt is equally acceptable unless representing MidGlos in a competition.
- It was pointed out that the ONS (Office of National Statistics) quotes percentage rises in the costs of everything. However, we are holding the membership subs and rink fees for the next season i.e. the costs will remain the same when you rejoin in September.
The annual Presentation Evening was enjoyed by all who attended. Our thanks to Steve Bluck and Gill and Roger Fry for organising the evening and all of the work leading up to it – much appreciated.
Our photographer for the evening was Howard (just be thankful that we didn’t get just feet)!
The winning lady of the Friday morning umbrella was Maggie Geoghegan
The winning man was Paul Rosam

Ron Wilks was the Friday night umbrella winner, decided in the last couple of ends of the last game.

The winners of the different leagues were as follows:
Monday morning open triples: Hayles Angels

Monday afternoon open triples: Braves

Monday evening open fours: Bowling Stones

Tuesday morning open triples: Brownies

Tuesday afternoon open triples: Good Intent

Tuesday evening open fours: Spartans

Wednesday morning open fours: Four Candles

Thursday morning open triples: Bowling Stones

Thursday evening open fours: Wings

Friday afternoon open triples: Bulldozers

Dylan and Lee Williamson won the Australian Pairs

Sam Wells won the Pat Dunstan Trophy but wasn’t present.
The Sue Waterston Trophy was won by Linda Watkin-Jones, Roger Fry and Gill Fry.

The mixed trips was won by Renae Evans, Rich Shergold and Fin Williamson

The Mixed Pairs was won by Ann Leach standing in for Rachel Rosagro and Steve Bluck.

Pam Margrett won the ladies’ over 65s singles

Bev Forshaw and Jill Whiting won the over 65 ladies’ Pairs

Renae Evans and Iona Bird won the ladies’ Pairs

Renae Evans, Sandra Bailey and Iona Bird won the ladies’ trips

Pam Margrett won the ladies’ 2 wood singles

Jack Dempsey won the men’s over 65s singles

Ron Wilks and George Jarrett won the men’s over 65s Pairs

Mike Cox, Steve Knight (standing in for Jack Williams) and Adam Smith won the men’s trips

Dylan and Lee Williamson won the men’s pairs

Adam Smith won the under 25s singles but wasn’t present.
Gill Fry won the ladies’ 4 wood singles

Lee Williamson won the men’s 4 wood singles

Lee Williamson won the Club Champion of Champions

Well done everyone!
Max Butler has asked me to mention that National Competition Entry Forms are now available at the club. Please complete and hand into the office with full payment to MidGlos IBC.
Please note, the closing date is 22nd May 2023.
Alternatively, you can enter directly yourself via the EIBA Website.
This Friday, 21st April, the 200 Club is being drawn between 6.45 and 7.00p.m. The bar will be open and the snowball will be worth £100.00. If your number comes up and you’re not present, it will be rolled over to the next month when it will be worth £150.00.
If you fancy a roll-up or a game between friends, there are five rinks available on Wednesday mornings.
And finally:
They did us proud! A great achievement! The MidGlos name is out there! If you follow World Bowls, you will know the names Catherine Rednall and Rebecca Willgress who were playing when we arrived. It is, as was pointed out by the commentator, a great event in the world of bowls.
We have some very talented bowlers, both men and women and we will continue to get our name known. The guys even had a good luck message from Tony Alcock, a well known and former member of our club.
Our club mascot, Claudius came along to cheer the guys on.
Check in on our Facebook page where there is more coverage. It was a great day out! Not all of us were quite as lively as the team at the back of the coach on the return journey. Put it this way, they wouldn’t get too many downloads of their singing performance.
Well done again! They deserved to let off steam.
Until the next time, take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).