Hello everyone,
Welcome to the summer season of indoor to some of us and outdoor to many of you. Sad to see you go but we’re looking forward to you coming back in September. In the meantime, I’ll try to keep you informed of the happenings at MidGlos. There will be an open day coming up in the near future. I’ll keep you posted.
The update on the finals played last week are as follows:
On Tuesday:
Over 65s Ladies’ Singles – Pam Margrett beat Linda Watkin-Jones.
On Wednesday:
Club Champion – Lee Williamson beat Gill Fry after an epic game of twenty-eight ends finishing as 21/19. An excellent, hard-fought battle.
On Saturday morning:
Men’s Trips – Mike Cox, Steve Knight (standing in for Jack Williams) and Adam Smith beat Tom Evans, Ben Sheldon and Fin Williamson.
Men’s over 65s Singles – Jack Dempsey beat Steve Bluck.
Ladies’ Pairs – Renae Evans and Iona Bird beat Jean Kemsley and Gill Fry.
Ladies’ over 65s Pairs – Bev Forshaw and Jill Whiting beat Linda Watkin-Jones and Margaret Cadle.
Under 25s – Adam Smith beat Ben Sheldon.
Pat Dunstan – Sam Wells beat Louie Hodges.
Ladies’ 2 wood Singles – Pam Margrett beat Gill Fry.
Australian Pairs – Dillon and Lee Williamson beat Josh and Stuart Hodges.
Mixed Pairs – Ann Leach (standing in for Rachel Rosagro) and Steve Bluck beat Bev Forshaw and Tom Evans.
Throughout all of the finals, there has been some excellent bowling. Well done and thank you to all who entered and spectated.
In addition to our usual summer opening times, we will also be open on Monday afternoons, from the end of the morning league (12.00 noon) until 3.30p.m. All of the rinks will be available for booking.
Don’t forget that the AGM is this Wednesday, 12th April at 7.00p.m. Please try to attend.
This Friday evening at 7.00p.m. it is the presentation evening with the bar open and a free buffet. There will therefore be no Friday evening umbrella this Friday only.
Another change to be aware of is that coaching has now moved from a Thursday afternoon to 10:30am on a Friday morning for the summer season only. This will take place at the same time as the Friday morning umbrella.
A spare place has become available on the coach to Nottingham on Saturday, 15th April to watch our men play in the final of the Denny Plate against Cumbria. Please contact the office if you’re interested in taking that place. It is on a first come, first served basis.
Amy has been attending the coaching sessions on a Thursday afternoon with her carer, Paula and her support dog, Stanley. She is a very determined young lady who, despite her disabilities, refuses to just sit back. She tries to be as active as possible, giving several sports a try.

Please read her poster and try to support her. This is no mean feat given her physical difficulties. Good luck, Amy.
After playing on Saturday, I drove to the site of the original bowling club (Bentham Domes) to watch our four grandchildren scaling the heights and obstacles of the 270 Climbing Centre. It was the “soft” opening of the centre. It is still very much a building site but has the makings of being a great facility once a few little teething problems have been ironed out.
Howard and I offered to hold the coats – a very sensible move, I’m sure you will agree!

On that scary note, I’ll sign off until the next time.
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).