This time next week, we will be on British summertime! Hooray! Let’s hope that warm, sunny, summer weather comes with it!
The first of the “live” 200 Club draws took place on Friday evening with the following outcome:
1st prize of £50.00 – Philip Jones
2nd prize of £20.00 – Beth Williams
3rd prize of £10.00 – Graham Whiting
The winner of the snowball was not present so it is rolled over to next month when it will be worth £100.00.
The draw takes place on the third Friday of the month between 6.45p.m. and 7.00p.m. which means that next month it will be on 21st April. If the holder of the snowball number is not present, it will roll over to May when it will be worth £150.00 and so on until it is claimed. Worth turning up for!!
The finals of the Saturday Ladies’ and Men’s Interclub matches took place on Saturday with the following results:
MidGlos ladies – 1st
Barnwood ladies – 2nd
Cheltenham ladies – 3rd and
Caer Glow ladies – 4th

Well done and thank you to all who played in the matches leading up to the finals. Maybe more clubs will enter next year to make it a bigger and better competition. My team and I have thoroughly enjoyed it, despite it being nail bitingly close at times.
Cheltenham men – 1st
MidGlos men – 2nd
Barnwood men – 3rd and
Cheltenham Spa men – 4th

The same thanks go to the men and I hope that you too enjoyed taking part.
The finals of our club competitions will be held on 2nd and 8th April as stated on the competition notice board. They will start at 9.00a.m. with the last competition beginning at 3.00p.m. on each day. Again, supporters are more than welcome.
The best advice that I was given when I first began bowling was to enter everything. You learn such a lot. This is very true except I think I would be a little more selective rather than entering everything. However, it certainly is a valuable learning experience.
It was another very enjoyable and successful quiz on Saturday evening. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way and to those who attended. The next one will be hosted by Norman Hancock assisted by his wife, Sheila and will be on the later date of 29th April. Sign up as soon as you can as the places go very quickly.
If you bowl indoors all year round, the captains are now trying to fill their teams ready to issue the new schedules.
As you enter the club, there are sheets on the board on the easel ahead to sign up if you’re looking for a space on a team and for captains to advertise for members to fill gaps. Currently, I have a space in each of my Tuesday morning teams. Please contact me on 07775816486 or linda@hwjsolutions.com if you’d like to be part of my teams. We’re a friendly bunch and will welcome anyone with any sort of experience. We have all had to start somewhere. With a full team, you are usually required to bowl every other week.
PLEASE NOTE that the use of Grippo or any such substance is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. There are signs around reminding people of this fact. However, I’m afraid that not everyone is reading such notices or chooses to ignore them. I am reminding you again that our carpet is a very costly item to replace. PLEASE respect it.
I do hope that the mothers among you were spoilt rotten yesterday.
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).