Hello everyone,
We’re back! We had a great time. This time we had some newbies to Potters. They loved it and are coming again.
As far as the bowling goes, we didn’t do quite as well as usual. Chris and Mike Prosser and Jackie and Paul Phelpstead got through to the quarters but were knocked out. However, we all enjoyed it nevertheless.
We have learned that it’s best to have a check list before setting out.
- Outdoor coat – never trust your husband to put it in the car for you!!
- Teeth – make sure you’ve got all of them!!
- You don’t always need those socks with bells on!!
I should, at this point, mention that “what goes on at Potters doesn’t always stay at Potters” if the newsletter writer happens to be within earshot!!
A visit to Potters is never complete without going to Horsey beach to see the colony of grey seals. It truly is a magnificent site to behold. We love it and so did everyone who made it out there.

It was a little bracing, to say the least but fortunately there is a 1940s tea room nearby where we were able to thaw out. We walked in to the sound of a Spitfire and were served by “landgirls”.
Again, this mustn’t be missed (although we’ve managed to until this time)!

On Saturday MidGlos played Cotswold in a friendly. It must have been very exciting towards the end since the final score was MidGlos 116 Cotswold 111. Well done MidGlos!
Today a barrier is being fitted at the entrance to the car park. Hopefully this will deter any uninvited “visitors” from setting up camp and maybe discourage wheelies being practised on fresh snow. Fingers crossed that the snow misses us this week but we are better prepared for it this time.
On Thursday, 9th March (i.e. this Thursday) breaks are being retro fitted to all of the shutters in order to comply with new safety regulations. Also on that day, Paul is bringing the Potters Roadshow to the club from 10.00 to 16.00. Obviously, he won’t have every size of wood or clothing imaginable but, if not, you will be able to place an order.
Before we left, the AGM notices were decidedly pristine. Please give it some thought. If you think you could offer your help and expertise, please put your name down.
This coming Saturday, the last of the round robin in the ladies’ interclub is being played at 10.00a.m. The finals of both the men’s and ladies are on the following Saturday, 18th March. That evening it’s Sheila Kingswell’s quiz.
Steve Bluck has asked me to put in a plea for one more team on a Thursday morning in the summer. In order for it to work out that you play every other week and to cover for holidays, you need a team of six. Incidentally, I need one more player on a Monday morning. Please get in touch with me directly or via the office.
Finally almost all of the places have been taken on our 53seater coach to and from Nottingham on 15th April to support our players in the Denny Plate Final versus Cumbria. If there are still places available and you’d like to go, you’d better act quickly. The players will get their pass once at Nottingham IBC and the other passengers will be handed their entrance ticket on the coach. Anyone travelling independently will need to purchase a ticket (£4.00) from the EIBA.
Hopefully I’ve remembered everything.
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).