Hello everyone,
Another week has flown by and we’re heading to that sad time of year when we have to say goodbye to our outdoor bowlers. To that end, Steve Bluck has asked that last year’s summer captains confirm their teams for this coming season. New teams are always very welcome. If you’d like to enter a new team, please let Steve know. Remember, in the summer, we have leagues on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The umbrellas still run on both Friday morning and evening.
Last year, we ran Australian Pairs on Wednesday mornings. Look out for the notice to sign up to express your interest in taking part. The format will be teams of four to be selected from the names by Steve. This proved very popular last year and worked very well. It is a valuable exercise in that each player has to play both lead and skip giving everyone an appreciation of the different skills required for both positions.
It’s been another busy week-end with a friendly against Melton with MidGlos coming out with 136 and Melton scoring 87. Incidentally, last week-end, in the friendly against Cotswold at home, MidGlos came out on top. Well done to all who played in both matches. On 4th March, MidGlos is against Cotswold again but this friendly is away. We need more players to sign up, please.
On Sunday, we had our first under eighteens competition which went extremely well. What a day and what a competition, with some brilliant bowling from the off. Congratulations to all sixteen bowlers who took part.

Our special thanks to Sandy Kerr for setting this day up and ensuring it ran smoothly with the help of the club president, markers, scorers, catering and bar staff and the sponsors. All in all a brilliant opportunity for the u18s to test their skills against other youngsters from both near and far.
The bowling just got better as the day developed with some cracking shots. However, the best shot of the day came in the Shirley Cromie Trophy final, a back touch bowled by Fin Williamson after he had just had his shot woods beaten by Alfie Holland (North Wilts). What a shot and what great final!

The final results were:
Morning matched pairs competition:
Winners: Marissa Ambridge (Chippenham) and our Fin Williamson

Runners up: MidGlos players Emily Burke and Dylan Williamson

Afternoon singles competition:
Shirley Cromie Trophy:
Winner: Fin Williamson
Runner up: Alfie Holland

Plate Knockout;
Winner: Gethin Osling
Runner up: Ronnie Marson

If you didn’t turn up to watch then you missed a bowling treat.
I hope you’ve noticed the donation box for used stamps at reception. Recently, Rachel Corish donated £30.00 from the proceeds of the used stamps to the Red Cross to go towards the earthquake appeal. Please save your stamps and afterwards pop them in the box. It’s surprising how quickly it mounts up. Every little helps.
This year, instead of the AGM papers being on the rickety easel, they are on the white board. There are some vacancies. If you feel you could fill any of the positions, please put your name down with a proposer and a seconder.
The 200 Club used to be drawn on a specific evening prior to the lockdowns. As with many things, this had to stop. However, we are reintroducing it. From Friday, 3rd March, the draw will take place in the lounge at 18.45. Please note that the snowball will not be awarded if the person holding that number is not present. It will be rolled over.
Next week-end will be busy too with the men’s interclub in the morning and the ladies in the afternoon on Saturday while on Sunday the final match of the round robin of the Wessex is to be played between MidGlos A and Cotswold A. This should be a very exciting match. Come to support if you can.
Take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).
4 replies on “Newsletter Issue 134”
I am very pleased that Shirley has been remembered with a trophy named after her and being used for a youth bowling competition which is very fitting as she has spent a great deal of time coaching and encouraging our young members
Well done who ever thought of it
It states above: “Please note that the snowball will not be awarded if the person holding that number is not present. It will be rolled over.”
This most definitely unfair to any member who cannot or chooses not turn up for the draw for whatever reason.
I am told that this was always the case prior to the lockdowns. It is merely the reinstating of what was and what worked.
You are quite right Linda, the snowball amount of £50 was only ever awarded if the person whose number had been drawn was present at the Club when the draw was made if they were not in attendance the the £50 pounds was carried over until the next draw date. This rule does not apply to the other amounts of £10, £20 and £50, that is why it is called the Snowball. During the lockdown periods of course e could not open the club for any gathering and so awarded the snowball amount at every draw.