That’s January almost gone! At least it’s a little warmer for now. I was rather hoping that our spate of members dying had come to an end but I have to report that Irene Barrett, wife of Steve Barrett has sadly died. She had to stop playing due to ill health a few years ago but she still came to watch. When she was well she was always a very bright, cheerful lady. Our condolences to Steve and family.
Steve Pope’s funeral is on 9th February at 11.00a.m. at The Oak Chapel, Cheltenham and afterwards at Cheltenham Football Ground.
It’s been a very busy week-end for our men. On Saturday, they were playing at a neutral club (Bristol) against Torbay in the Denny Plate Quarter Final. MidGlos won and are now through to the National Semifinal against Isle of White which will also be played at a neutral venue. Congratulations to all who’ve taken part over the weeks and good luck in the next round.
On Sunday Wessex A and B teams were playing at home and away against Cotswold B and A respectively. Our A team won well but our B team were outplayed. Again, well done to all who took part. Win or lose, it’s all experience.
On Saturday afternoon, we got our mojo back when MidGlos was playing Bishop’s Cleeve in a friendly. We won quite convincingly but I’m told that the Bishop’s Cleeve team we’re up against it since not many of the participants play indoors. I hope it was enjoyable nevertheless.
At the same time as the Wessex games were being played we were hosting the Area Final of the National Mixed Fours played between Malvern and Clarrie Dunbar. It was a very good game but totally one-sided with Clarrie Dunbar conceding after twelve ends. Malvern now goes on to play the National Final at St. Neots. Good luck to the team.
The lead, Hannah and the skip, Tom Holmes from Malvern are at our club again this Friday evening playing in the Mixed Pairs Area Final at 6.00p.m. It will be a good game to watch on rink 2 if you fancy it.
Mention really must be made of our young player, Fin Williamson. He’s really making his mark in the bowling world. The following is all about his outdoor successes but he’s well on his way to having similar success indoors and a really pleasant young man too.

Rinks available to book.
Sunday 5th February 10am 3 rinks available
2pm 2 end rinks available
This Saturday, it’s the men’s interclub at 10.00a.m. with the ladies playing at 1.00p.m.
The next quiz is on 11th February with Howard as quizmaster aided by yours truly. If you haven’t signed up yet, I’m afraid you’ve missed the boat. The list is currently full but check the notice board to see if there have been any cancellations.
As usual, take care,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).
One reply on “Newsletter Issue 131”
Sorry. It should read “Isle of Wight”.