Hello from a very snowy Chedworth!
I know we’re not the only ones to have had the white stuff. However, being so high up, we’ve had more than our fair share and, for the moment, can’t get out of our village. Whichever way we turn out of our drive, there is a hill to negotiate. Even if we were to get so far, we wouldn’t get past yesterday’s abandoned vehicles so here we are stuck until a decent thaw sets in!

On Friday, as I’d reported in last week’s newsletter, the A and B ladies’ teams were playing each other. On this occasion, the A team is lucky enough to go through to the next round after a hard-fought game. We’ve got a tough match ahead of us on 20th January against North Wilts A. We’ll do our best of course but we’ll need lots of fingers and toes crossed. They’re a formidable team!
Saturday was a different matter, unfortunately. All four rinks lost against Desborough so that ends our journey in the Yetton Trophy for this year.
However, the men playing in the Denny Plate won on all four rinks also against Desborough. Well done guys!
Next Saturday is the last game of the initial round robin of the Saturday Interclub. There will be just one rink free from 9.00 until 1.00.
On the 18th the Wessex is being played when three rinks will be free from 9.00 until 1.00. The club is also open in the afternoon but all seven rinks will be in use. Gloucester County is playing Worcestershire.
Don’t forget that it is the Christmas Friday evening umbrella on 16th when turkey baps, mince pies and mulled wine will be available from 5.00p.m. Please dress appropriately – Christmas jumpers, plenty of bling, tinsel, etc. If you don’t possess any of those, don’t go to the expense of buying stuff you’ll never wear again – you’ll be very welcome whatever, provided your name is on the list by the end of today.
The Christmas draw will take place at this event. If you haven’t already bought your tickets, you’ve got until Friday. The Christmas draw table is groaning with lots of lovely goodies. Go on, have a go! It’s just £1.00 a ticket and you may come away with a really lovely prize. We ladies are especially excited about the chance of maybe winning a two hour house clean!
The last quiz of this year is on Saturday 17th December. Norman and Sheila Hancock are prepared and looking forward to delivering a great evening for us. Norman will also be handing out notice of the dates in 2023 for the quizzes. A huge thank you to those who give up a considerable amount of their time to compile the questions and to Steve and Tricia Bluck who are in charge of the food and to all the other people who help to make these nights very popular and successful.
Until next week, take care (especially in these winter conditions).
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).