Hello everyone,
We have a potentially very exciting week ahead of us! The BBC coming to the club all rests on an executive giving his final approval to Gloucester as the focus. Apparently, it can all change at the last minute! However, at the moment it is Gloucester so we have to be prepared. Fingers crossed it all goes ahead.

Let’s hope the above proves not to be the case!
Lots of Nationals are being played at the moment. If you happen to be on an adjacent rink, please respect the importance of their game over yours, i.e. look to see if your bowl could interfere with their play and wait until they have made their move.
On Saturday morning, the ladies will be playing the Yetton Trophy against North Wilts and the men are playing the Denny Plate against Bristol. On Sunday morning Top Club is being played against Clarrie Dunbar. Spare rinks will be available on both days – three on Saturday and two on Sunday. This information is on the white board.
If you’ve signed up for the friendly against Welford, please note that it now will be tea and biscuits as a reciprocal arrangement with them. They charge £6.50. Currently, we charge £5.00. I am unsure if we will also charge £6.50. A notice on the board will confirm the price.
Evi Harrison is looking for more league games. Her contact number is: 07736033263. I am looking for a player for Two Easy on Monday mornings and possibly Friday afternoons after Christmas. Please contact me via the office.
Thinking of you today, Bryan (White) since it is Monica’s funeral. If you feel up to it after Christmas, I’d be delighted to welcome you back into my Monday morning and Friday afternoon teams.
A celebration of Shirley Cromie’s life went ahead on Friday, 11th November. It was wonderful to see a packed lounge and Cooper Suite. The car park was absolutely full, so much so that the overflow car park had to be used. All of this is a testament to how well she was liked and respected. She would have been really touched and proud.
It’s that time of year again. Christmas Raffle time. As usual, the tickets are £1.00 each from reception. All donations gratefully received. Please, decent stuff only. Draw will take place on 16th December. Many thanks.
Take care everyone,
Linda Watkin-Jones.
Director (PR & Marketing).