Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 86

Hello everyone, Isn’t it lovely to see sunshine and the days lengthening but the first item on this week’s agenda is sad. You will have seen his photo up in the club at reception. Gordon Brown, a former long-standing member has recently died. His funeral will be on 23rd March at 3pm at Gloucester Crematorium […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 85

Hello everyone, We’re back after a very enjoyable time at Potters. Some of us had been before and knew what to expect but all the newcomers were very impressed and I think would like to go again. Apart from bowling, there is plenty to do. A few ladies and Ron Wilks enjoyed line dancing (Sandy […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 84

Hello everyone, By the time this hits your device, we’ll be well on our way down to Hopton on Sea in Norfolk! The club should be a lot quieter this week with thirty of us away. We know we’ll have a good time but I’ll report on how well we do on the bowling front […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 83

Hello all, I hope you’ve come out of Storm Eunice unscathed, dry and with the minimum of damage, if any, to your home and garden. Thankfully we’ve escaped apart from some disrupted journeys due to fallen trees. Because of Eunice, the EIBA have allowed us to postpone the Mason’s game until next week. Hopefully the […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 82

Another week gone! Is it just age or is time moving more quickly? Sadly, we’re approaching the end of our winter bowling. That’s good news, I know, for our outdoor bowlers but it means that we have to say goodbye to a lot of folks for a while.  However, if you’re finding the greens too […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 81

February already! And it’s lovely to see the days lengthening, snowdrops in bloom, daffodils shooting through and the gardens generally waking up. The downside is that, now that we are able to get into the garden, we can see all the jobs which we should have done before winter closed in. The parts which I’ve […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 80

Hello again, If you’ve been into the club today, you will have seen that the notices about mask-wearing have changed.  As from today, masks are no longer mandatory. It’s time to learn to live with this virus which is here to stay in one form or other just like influenza. However, as we make our […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 79

Have you been watching World Bowls? I can’t believe that both Nick Brett and Mark Dawes are out of both the men’s pairs and the mixed. When Mark’s local club closed, he should have come to MidGlos. We’re half an hour nearer than the Spalding club which he joined meaning that he could have got […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 78

Well, I really don’t have the time to write this newsletter what with bowling, walking the dog, cooking, cleaning and watching World Bowls on YouTube until it begins on 17th on Terrestrial TV. There have been some cracking matches already. I should be spot on now having watched the masters at work. Sadly, there’s more […]

Latest news MidGlos Member News

Newsletter Issue 77

Happy New Year again! This is the first newsletter of a much better year, we hope! Some dates for your diary as support is always welcome for these matches: This Sunday, 9th January Wessex B is playing Fairford. 10.00a.m. start. On 15th January, the finals of the Saturday Interclub begin at 10.00a.m. On 16th January […]